By Anna Holden
As the nights are still dark and cold, taking us into the depths of vata season, it can be nice to withdraw into more time of introspection, mindfulness and enjoying what’s right in front of you. It’s also a great time to practise sacred eating.
A calm, quiet atmosphere for eating helps to create food sadhana. Sadhana is the act of making anything sacred, and so food sadhana is sacred eating. Especially when I’m stressed, recalibrating, or feeling overwhelmed, food sadhana helps me bring my attention back to the present moment. And, because yummy things make the dark season more bearable, it’s nice to have a delicious breakfast to start off the morning sadhana practice.
I created these flourless pancakes months ago. They’re appropriate to balance vata and pitta doshas and are appropriate for sensitive stomachs if spices like cinnamon and ginger are added. They are moist, sweet, and satisfying. I hope you’ll love them as much as I do – especially when I’m snuggled up by a morning fire!
Ingredients for 8 pancakes: