Ayurveda Academy The Netherlands offers two main study paths to students wishing to apply ayurveda in the field of modern natural healthcare modalities.
Here we dive deeper into our 2-year program preparing students for the Ayurveda Nutrition & Lifestyle Counselor (NLC) Diploma.
Based on experience, we see that some of our students are interested in working with ayurveda, but not at the level of a practitioner. We see the need for a training program that focuses on nutrition and lifestyle in order to help people achieve better health and well-being. Our Ayurveda Nutrition & Lifestyle Counselor Program is perfect for just that. It is also easy to integrate into the current work of, for example, vitality coaches, yoga teachers, general healthcare practitioners and more.
The Ayurveda Nutrition & Lifestyle Counselor Program is a 70ECs, part-time 2-year study program, leading to a diploma, and based on Bachelor level standards (SNRO HBO-Bachelor-level accreditation of our Academy). The program is based on blended learning and thus combines in-person with online classes and individual study.
In the first year, the student will learn about the basic ayurvedic principles and lay a solid foundation in the field of anatomy, physiology, philosophy, ayurvedic nutrition, daily routine, lifestyle, meditation & mindfulness. The student will also gain insight into a substantial amount of familiar ayurvedic healing herbs, to be used in the kitchen and your own home pharmacy. Basic information on Western anatomy and physiology is provided, bridging Western medical concepts and ayurvedic basic principles. The focus of the first year is equally divided between theory, practical, and treatment skills plus experience-based teachings. An introduction to the classical texts is given.
The second year revolves around the advanced principles of ayurveda with an emphasis on ayurvedic nutrition and lifestyle, while the student slowly develops tools to become a counselor in these fields. Students continue to expand their database of simple ayurvedic herbs and remedies. There is an additional focus on the qualities required of an ayurveda counselor, guiding students to become proficient in evaluating and advising clients. Students will start to work with practical cases and real clients.
Curious to know more? Please check our Study Guide where detailed information on the curriculum and practicalities is available.
After obtaining the NLC Diploma, you will be able to provide general advice and assist clients with imbalances and simple ailments to become healthier and feel better. You can start offering consultations, and it's also very possible to integrate this knowledge with your current profession in the fields of health, yoga, sports, dietetics, or vitality. By integrating ayurvedic knowledge in your profession as a general health practitioner, you can simply be more effective and distinguish yourself.
Our former students have also authored (cooking)books, launched products, published articles, organised retreats, workshops for companies, and conducted simple workshops. And besides that, once you have dived into this ocean of knowledge and wisdom, you will never be the same. Many experience the studies as life changing.
The NLC program constitutes Level I of our Ayurveda Practitioner Studies (APS). Students graduating from this program, can therefore choose to continue deepening their knowledge of ayurveda by signing up for Levels II and III. It is essential to differentiate between the two programs, as it is only in the latter where ayurvedic pathology is taught, based on which complex herbal remedies and treatment plans can be developed. NLCs are required to refer clients with complex pathologies to certified practitioners or physicians.
More about our 4-year APS program is available here.
More and more people are looking for an ayurveda training which is comprehensive, authentic, and pays attention to all aspects of ayurveda. You will find this with us. To truly support future clients on their path to wellbeing, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the basics of ayurveda, while also being able to translate these into Western standards. Only then will your approach be successful. We have extensively worked on achieving a balanced program, and we distinguish ourselves in the following ways: