Martine has an outspoken vision on spreading the word of Ayurveda in the Netherlands. Through her active involvement in education for practitioners, she contributes to increasing familiarity with Ayurveda as a healing system in the Netherlands that can benefit many people.
After a corporate career, she studied at the Academy of Ayurvedic Studies in Amsterdam and also studied basic medical knowledge for a year. Her special interest goes out to ayurvedic nutrition as a tool to improve the health and wellbeing of her clients and this is what she teaches at Delight Academy Ayurveda now. Martine has been a teacher in this field for many years.
Holistic psychotherapy as another area that she loves and practices. Besides the work for the Academy Ayurveda, she has her own clinic where she works with clients coming with various complaints. She offers consultations and works with food, lifestyle, herbs and treatments to support her clients. She wrote the book ‘het ABC van Gezond Eten’, which concisely outlines various aspects of ayurvedic Nutrition. She loves to travel to India in order to experience the cradle of ayurveda.